Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Recs: Fanfic: Sherlock: A Cure For Boredom

One of these days I'll generate some original content. Until then, whilst I regain my blogging legs, so to speak - sea legs, blogging fingers? - a few good recs.

I have some old tried-and-true fandoms where I know who to read, who to trust to tell me who else I should be reading, but I do try to keep it fresh. Toward that end, I'm miring myself, of late, in fanfic for Sherlock (TV). I madly adore the show; the fanfiction...meh. Yes. John and Sherlock are everyone on earth's one true pairing, and even the writers of the show know it. I'm not sure why this leads to such horrific creative endeavors by fans.

But enough bitching about free fiction - to the rec!

Read this: A Cure For Boredom by emmagrant01. It's brilliantly in-character John Watson, who assists Sherlock on a case - wait - an experiment - wait - a relationship? Surely not. It's chock-full of mild kink and delicious plot tension, so go, go now. (It would be possible to read it as AU for Conan Doyle's Holmes, but it reads, at times, like the television show, so most benefit would be drawn from familiarity with that.)

What the hell are you still doing here? Go forth and read porn.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Recs: YouTube: RoosterTeeth Rage Quits

I know! That's not even fucking words, you asshole. And technically that's correct.

Go. Watch. Laugh until you cry (or maybe that's just me):

Ever since my household twelve year old got into Minecraft, we've watched a lot of Rooster Teeth videos (not, however, Red Vs Blue, the series for which the group is primarily known). While the Rage Quits are fun (some of them), my personal favorites are the "Let's Play" series, in which a collection of young men play video games and yell at each other. No, it doesn't seem like that would be entertaining (unless you are one of the young men, and the rest are your close mates), but somehow these videos loop again and again in my brother's living room, and no matter how many times I've seen them, I still enjoy the shit out of the majority of the little fuckers.

(Note: the lads are not politically correct. Oh. Well, actually, they are, judging by "young men" standards. There's a lot of implicit homophobia, but not overt stuff. There's a certain amount of implicit sexism, but again, these fellas can clearly be taken into mixed company. Loads of fucking cursing, though; the general tone of discourse around here has taken a hit lately. The twelve year old, when asked if she's finished her homework, may reply, "Shit dicks, Kris." This is normal.)

I realized, after about ten videos, that what I get off on is not the rampant cursing and one-upmanship. It's the relationships. There's five regulars and a few others, and once I started to pick their voices apart I found the interactions fascinating. There's the young hot-head, the British kid ("Who is this Harriet Tubman? I've never heard of her, and suddenly she's everywhere." "She's everywhere?" "Yeah, she's dropping a new album this year!" "Harriet Tubman! Shit!"), the boss, the one-who-usually-wins - the storyteller in me is addicted, almost as excited every Friday to see what they're up to this week. I suppose I should say, the voyeur in me; the high my scribbler's brain gets from a new "Let's Play" is similar to the high I get listening to Dan Savage rip into callers on his podcast; these are all real people, and what they reveal about themselves is not always evident in the face value of their words.

So. Watch the video, because it's funny. If you're bored, and have ever played (or, in my case, spent years watching other people play) video games, you might enjoy the "Let's Play"s. I hear good things about Red Vs Blue, seriously, but it's in season nine, and I haven't caught up in Doctor Who or Supernatural, yet, so that shit will have to wait until there's a nine season sized hole in my schedule.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Psuedonymous Blog Welcomes You!

Things you will find here:

  • Free porn! Well, all right, by that I mean free erotic stories. (I can't get around the word "erotica" for some reason. I want to embrace it, I really do, but something about it feels sort of snobby. "Oh, no, I don't read pornography, I read erotica, it's entirely different." Is it? Really?)
  • Free writings of non-titillatory nature. (Shut up, Blogger, "titillatory" is too a word.)
  • Cursing. So much cursing. The fact that we're a hundred words in and I haven't said "fuck" or some derivation of "fuck" yet is astounding.
  • Links and recs to Things Worth Reading. Porn. Fanfiction. Highfalutin' political commentary. Words that inspire, words that enrage. You know: things worth reading.
  • The occasional toddler antics story.
  • Ranting. And cursing.

Things you will not find here:

  • Religion.
  • Apologies and disclaimers for above-implied irreverence: embrace your power to click away.
  • The skinny jeans you bought but never wore when you were a freshman in high school and did all the workouts in Seventeen Magazine so you could wear them without holding your breath.
Kris Diggins is sort of my name, and sort of not my name. You know how it is. You think to yourself, Do I want my boss to discover that d/s story about pegging in public? Hm. But do be clear: Kris Diggins isn't an anagram. I'm nowhere near that clever.